Strack & Van Til puts safety first with one-stop shopping for PPE
It’s that timeof year: Thekidsarebacktoschoolandfocusedon
reading, writing,arithmetic…and masks?
Lifehas certainly changedinrecent months, sono matter what model
your child’s school is following, you’ll want tobe well stocked with
Personal ProtectiveEquipment – or PPE – for classorhome.
Strack & VanTil is committedtokeepingthecommunitiesof Northwest
Indianasafebyofferinga widearrayof PPE.Visit your local Strack &
VanTil storeandfindeverythingyouneed.
“From what I’veseen, wehavethebest selectionof masksand PPE
supplies inthe Region,” says Strack & VanTil Center Store Sales
Manager Darren Kinach. “Wecarry items tohelpkeeptheentirefamily
safe. Bestofall,all the masksand PPEaresoldina‘one-stop-shop’ in
our stores, soyou won’thavetosearchfor them.”
Masksofallkindsareavailableforadultsandkids, includingreusable,
washablevarietiesandthosethataredisposable. Reusable masksare
madeof cottonorpolyesterandcomeinarangeof colorsandpatterns.
“Weevenhaveanadult maskthathasatranslucentareaaroundthe
mouth,”notes Kinach. “That way,otherpeoplecanseeyousmile!”
Cotton masksaresoldas singles,polyester masks comeas singles
andinthree-packs,anddisposable masksareavailablein10-packs
foradultsandchildren. Adult sizedisposable masksalsocomein
How canyouencourageyour childto wear their maskat school? Our
best-sellingkids’ maskshavebright, fundesigns, soit maybe more
likely that thelittleones willkeeptheir maskonif they love what
it looks like. Strack & VanTilalsohas faceshields forkids, while
supplies last.Eachfaceshieldfeaturesafundesign, suchasasports
themeor flowers.
If youpreferaneckgaiter, Strack & VanTil carriesafull spectrum of
solidcolors. Choosefrom acoolingneckgaiter that’sgreat forhotdays
or those madeof cotton.
Searchingfor vinylglovesandhandsanitizer? It seems that these
days,everyoneis. Strack & VanTil carries vinylglovesandliquidhand
sanitizer in many sizesat competitiveprices.
“We’repleasedtosay that wesupport local vendors,” says Kinach.
“We work withagreat localdistributor inthe Regionthat suppliesus
with16-ouncebottlesof Pürgenex liquidhandsanitizer. Buyinglocal
means wecanget it intoour stores sooner.”
Kinachadds thatevery week, Strack & VanTil showcases two PPE
items withtheirprices intheironlinead.
“Intheseunprecedentedtimes, PPEis whatour customersneed,”
Kinachexplains. “At Strack & VanTil, weofferaonestopshopfor PPE
items tohelp makecustomer’s liveseasier.”
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