Hy-Vee One Step

We know we can’t solve all the world’s problems. But we can do something. And you can do something, too. All it takes is one step. If we take that step together, we can help people, our communities and the planet.

Millions of adults and children across the world don’t have enough to eat. Hy-Vee One Step cereals help fight food insecurity across the Midwest and around the world.

Trees provide essential oxygen and beautify our communities. Hy-Vee One Step paper products help plant more of them.

One in six people worldwide lack access to safe drinking water. Hy-Vee One Step bottled water helps build wells to provide clean water for whole communities.

One Step Cereal

Millions of people in countries around the world, as well as in our own backyard, lack a dependable, adequate supply of food. Proceeds from One Step cereals, packaged in a 100% recycled cardboard box, help those facing food insecurity. To date, more than 36 million meals have been donated to nonprofit organizations that help fight food insecurity throughout the Midwest and around the world.

One Step Paper Products

Every community needs the ecological and environmental benefits of trees. Trees supply two of life’s essentials – oxygen and food. Trees offer clean air and shade, lower energy costs and provide a means of storm water control. Thanks to the sales of One Step Paper Products, which are made of recycled materials, more than 520,000 trees have been planted across Hy-Vee’s territory. Hy-Vee works with nonprofit organizations around the Midwest to plant trees in neighborhoods, parks and other public spaces.

One Step Eggs

All One Step eggs are produced on small family farms in Southeast Iowa and Northeast Missouri. For each carton of Hy-Vee One Step Eggs you purchase, we donate to organizations fighting food insecurity.

One Step Water

The lack of reliable access to fresh water is a global crisis. Worldwide, one in six people lack access to safe drinking water and two in six lack adequate sanitation. Water-related illnesses are the leading cause of human sickness, suffering and death. Hy-Vee partners with nonprofits to dig wells that will provide millions of people around the world with better access to clean water and improved sanitation. The proceeds from sales of One Step Bottled Water have led to the completion of nearly 100 clean water projects around the world.

Together, We Make a Difference